
My artistic practice delves into webs of relational dynamics, exploring the interplay between individuals, communities, and environments. With a keen eye on group dynamics, I seek to challenge conventional perceptions of roles within familial, educational, and therapeutic contexts, as well as intimate relationships. My curiosity lies in understanding the driving forces behind risk-taking, choice-making, and the ebb and flow of selfhood within the collective.

Employing facilitation, play, and a range of mediums including photography, video, performance, and personas, I endeavor to ignite contemplation, empathy, and discourse on the dynamics of personal and collective power. I draw inspiration from relational aesthetics, employing social practice methods to evolve and reimagine my own learning and expression.

Each artistic concept serves as a voyage of exploration, inviting viewers to embark on their own connections to Self and others, fostering deeper introspection and understanding. As an Outsider artist, my journey has been enriched by academic pursuits in Early Childhood Education, Recreation Management, Arts & Cultural Management, and Nonprofit Leadership, providing me with a multifaceted lens through which to perceive and engage with the world.

I acknowledge the traditional lands of the Lenape and Canarsie people, where I reside, in what is settler-termed Brooklyn, NY, a constant reminder of the complex narratives intertwined within the spaces we converge.